The 15-year-old behind the wheel of the Boxster (and not the 911 Cabriolet as ABC's reporter wrongly states) lost control of the vehicle along Sesnon Boulevard crashing through a fence and flying off the road plunging around 70 feet (about 22 meters) over the edge of a construction site.
Miraculously, the Boxster did not flip over during landing (sic...) as it came settled upright on its four wheels. What's even more astounding is that the two boys walked out of the roadster virtually unscathed!
"Miracles still happen, that's the best way I can put it," told ABC news Eric Hansen from the Los Angeles Police department. "Firemen were saying that they've never seen that deep of a droPop without fatalities, and they were able to walk out of it."
According to the report, the two young "daredevils" are off the hook at this point as authorities are not likely to press charges. Hopefully, the parents won't be as forgiving...
Hat tip to Marcus! Via: ABC7